What Is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
what is fetal alcohol syndrome?
Pregnancy, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction & Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
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This made me simultaneously sad and angry. I know there are a lot of stupid people out there, but there have been enough after-school specials and PSAs on teen pregnancy and drugs to know that drinking, smoking or doing drugs while you're pregnant is the mark of a real scumbag.
The Best I Can Be: Living with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome-Effects (Revised) (Mom's Choice Awards Recipient)Learn more
Liz Kulp But I had no idea that there were this many women out there endangering themselves and their children.
It doesn't bode well for the kid's future to have that kind of person as a parent. And, seeing the list of health effects for a fetus, I can't imagine anyone being so heartless or addicted that they would continue to put poison into their body. But, as this infographic shows, apparently I'm wrong.
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