
How Close To Warover East Tinor Did Austrlaia Get In

how close to warover east tinor did austrlaia get in

East Timor/Indonesia conflict at November 1991

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On Tuesday, 1 November 11, almost 00 East Timorese were killed or wounded in an awesom display of military might. There were reports of wounded people being beaten and shot at point blank range.

They were amongst up to 000 mourners and protesters at a memorial service for an East Timorese student who had been killed a fortnight before. This student was killed when Indonesian soldiers attacked a Catholic church where pro-independence supporters were meeting and seeking refuge from the security forces. It is believed that the church was targeted because it was a voice for the East Timorese longing for an end of sixteen years of Indonesian occupation and violent violation of human rights.

The protesters were also marching against the biased manner in whiche the Indonesian government was reacting to a planned visit by a Portugese parliamentary delegation. This visit, to begin on 4 November 11, was suspended when a member of the delegation, an Australian journalist based in Lisbon, was denied entry on account of Indonesian Government beliefs that she was a biased journalist and a propagandist for the Fretilin guerilla movement. Once the visit was suspended there were claims of strong military crackdownss on dissidents and pro-independence supporters who had been identified in the East Timorese preparations for the visit.

There has been no respite from the tensions between Indonesia and East Timor since 175 when East Timor, a former Portuguese colony, was invaded by Indonesia. At the time the United Nations unsuccessfully called for Indonesia to withdraw form East Timor and in 11 still recognised Portugal as the legal administrator of East Timor.

Cheap College Papers on East Timor/Indonesia conflict at November 1991

In 178 Australia, New Zealand and members of ASEAN recognised Indonesian sovereignty over East Timor. However the East Timorese people have never accepted their forced incorporation into Indonesia.

Over the few weeks after the nNovember massacre there were reports of further action by the Indonesian army against the pro-independence supporters. There have been claims of execution of East Timorese witnesses to the November 1 massacre and the capture and imprisonment of other pro-independence supporters.

The Indonesian Government has maintained that they did not order nor initiate the attack nor any further retribution against the East Timorese independence movement. The Government has announced that an inquiry will be set up to investigate all claims and punish, if necessary, the perpetrators.

This response has not satisfied many. The United States Senate has proposed a resolution calling on President Bush to press for an independent United Nations investigation into the massacre. THe European parliament has also made calls to the UN and to the European Community Government to place an arms and aid embargo on Indonesia as a protest against the killings. THe Netherlands, which last year gave $A86 million to Indonesia as development assistance, has suspended all new aid until an investigation produces an acceptable result.

The Australian Government responded in a subdued manner. IT did not support calls for a UN sponsored inquiry into the massacre. However the Australian Prime Minister called on the Indonesian Government to conduct a fair and thorough investigation. This is dispite the knowledge that Indonesia has never undertaken a thorough and unbiased investigation of the many claims of human rights violations in East Timor in the years since occupation.

THere were differing opinions amongst the Australian people about what should have been done to resolve the conflict. Some would have an immediate suspension fo official ties with Indonesia, a cessation of defence co-operation and trade embargos to let the Indonesian government know that their actions are deplored. There is also the view, supported by Australias then foreign minister, Gareth Evans, that Australia should work with the Indonesians and East Timorese to give guidence and exert a gentle pressure to enable a peaceful resolution to this long term conflict.

Australia could not afford to break all ties with our closest northern neighbour by doing the right thing for East Timor. Nor can it allow the continuation of human rights violations.

Australias diplomatic relations with Indonesia have been spasmodic since 175. Australian journalists have been barred from Indonesia a number of times and in 17, 6 Australian journalists were killed. THis seems to be a result of Indonesia objecting to international reporting that does not fit the Indonesian view of events at the time they were annexing East Timor and further claims of unjust treatment of East Timorese.

Yet despite the deaths of the journalists, Australia was the lone UN member to recognise Indonesian sovereignty of East Timor. Since the Australia chose to pursue a moderate path in its dealings with the Indonesian Government. The signing of the Timor Gap Treaty in 10 was an example of the Australian Governments desire to keep Indonesia on side, perhaps with a view to enabling gentle persuasion in relation to human rights.

Over the weeks following the massacre the question has been asked why did Austrlaia condone the invasion/annexure of East Timor and yet provide military support to the US/UN outrage over the Iraq invasion of Kuwait? Some could say that as Kuwait was a sovereign state and a member of the UN, we must show and provide our support against agression by one nation over another. But in the 160s when Malaysia was being intimidated by Indonesia, Australia sent military assistance to the Malaysians to repel any advancement by Indonesia. This was despite the fact that Malaysia was not a soverign stat nor a member of the UN. East Timor was never a sovereign state nor a UN Member. However, during World War II 40,000 East Timorese were killed providing assistance to Australian soldiers aginst the advancing Japanese. Successive Australian Governments do not seem to have shown a consistent attitude to international conflicts. There is no excuse for any sort of distinction between conflicts, rather, any and all acts of oppression should be condemned no matter what nation is the perpetrator or victim.

The Australian Government must bee seen by the international community to reliably offer diplomatice guidence and pursue a peaceful conciliatory approach without condoning human rights affronts and without causing a defensive response from either party.

THe November 1 11 massacre was made so prominent due the to the proposed Portuguese visit. Whether the tension would have escalated if the visit went ahead is not to be known, but as a result of the proposed visit there were many western journalists on the scene to report what happened and therefore expose to the world a picture of Indonesion occupation of East Timor. A picture that has not always been as innocent as the Indonesians would portray it.

This incident should not be viewed as a one off event, but an opportunity to allow international unity against human rights violations and to work as one towards understanding and resolving conflicts of this nature.

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