What Is Interpreted
what is interpreted
What is worst, the interpretation of the Bible itself or how the Bible is interpreted and applied?
Posted 1 week ago
1) What is worst, the interpretation of the Bible itself or how the Bible is interpreted and applied?
Well, there are many interpretations of the bible, and many ways (methods) of interpreting the bible. This is not something that you can compare, " *the* interpretation of the bible" to *the* "how the bible is interpreted".
2) Is there such a thing as a correct or fair interpretation of the Bible?
The Koran Interpreted: A TranslationLearn more
Yes – but, objectively speaking, we do not know what that correct interpretation is. However, there are what we can call valid interpretations (or, if you prefer, possible interpretations) and invalid interpretations (or, if you prefer, verifiably erroneous interpretations).
3) What is harder interpretation the Bible or understanding the Bible?
Understanding any written work that is more complex linguistically than "Dick and Jane" *demands* interpretation as a prerequisite to understanding. In other words, NO more-than-childish written document can be understood unless the reader interprets what he is reading.
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Gustavus Hindman Miller
So, interpreting is easier, as understanding without interpretation is not possible.
4) Can anyone interpret the Bible for or against without being bias?
I'm not sure what you are asking. "For" what? "Against" what?
5) What do people try to do the most, interpret the Bible or understand the Bible?
Understand it. Like understanding any document, that demands interpretation.
Jim, http://www.BibleChooser.com
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